Friday, April 8, 2011

Gem vendor price change

So if you pay any attention at all to gold making in wow, you know that the vendor price of cut green gems is 9G. Cut Blue gems vendor for 5g75s. You also know that this makes the floor price of a stack of obsidium ore 54G, once you prospect, cut, and vendor all gems (uncut blues I personally keep, cut, and sell at market value for more profit). The corresponding floor price of Elementium ore is 44g (less greens, more blues).

The result of this is that any stacks of obsidium going under 54G, you can buy, prospect, cut, vendor, for profit. Zero risk. Since stacks can go as low as 40G, you're making 14G PER STACK. Since I often do this with up to 100 stacks at a time, it's a fairly reliable way to make gold, provided you have the time to sit and hit your prospect button a few million times.

In any case, this morning's PTR notes mentioned that the vendor price for these gems is dropping to 75 silver.

This is going to flat out destroy this method of making gold. Expect the prices of ore to plummet (oversupply), meta gem prices will drop (green gems worth 9g transmute into meta gems at the moment, work it out based on 75s), the price of enchanting mats will rise (people have been turning cheap gems them into cheap jc items and DE'ing them)... in short, it's going to wreck all kinds of havoc on the wow economy.

Now, I'm not going to say the sky is falling. I'll continue to make gold off JC and inscription. It's just interesting to see how such a simple change, is likely to make so many huge changes to the wow economy as a whole. Personally, I'm keen to see what happens :)

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